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High School Biology

If you are interested in Biology, there are a lot of useful resources and books that can help you master this subject.



Free Online Resources


CrashCourse Biology Playlist

This course is based on the AP Biology curriculum and also covers some introductory anatomy.


Resources from National Association of Biology Teachers

The National Association of Biology teachers provides a good list of resources.​


Digital List of Biology Resources from Maryville University

This is a useful list of biology resources​


The Biology Corner

Biology lesson plans, worksheets, tutorials and resources for teachers and students.


MIT Blossoms Biology Resources

BLOSSOMS video lessons are enriching students' learning experiences in high school classrooms worldwide.


BioEd Online

Baylor College of Medicine is offering a set of hands-on K-12 activities, grouped by grade level, that will enable parents and children to remain engaged in STEM learning.


High School Biology Resources from the Concord Consortium

They've been pioneering the use of technology in science education for twenty years. Here are some of our best free educational activities, models and software tools for teaching biology to high school students.


National Science Foundation Biology Classroom Resources

This collection of lessons and web resources is aimed at classroom teachers, their students, and students' families.


USA Biology Olympiad (USABO) Past Exams

Here you will find quick links where you can download the past papers of the USABO.

Books for High School Biology

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